Monday, January 12, 2009

The Legend that is LOTR

LOTR - The mere mention of those 4 syllables bring a wave of excitement, wonder, amazement and other indescribable feelings upon me. The Lord of The Rings is without doubt my favourite movie till date. I know that it is very difficult for people to mark a particular movie as their favourite but for me LOTR is the exception. I simply can't find anything wrong with the movie. For starters , it has an amazing story - thanks to the incredible power of imagination of Mr. Tolkien. But, for me, the real magic of the movie lies in the way that the movie has been brought on screen - its like a portrait on celluloid. Peter Jackson is one hell of a director and has done a commendable job with LOTR.The movie has been flawlessly executed. The cinematography is breathtaking and its like all the characters of the movie come alive on screen. Even the most unimportant of characters has been dealt with perfectly , and Mr. Jackson's attention to detail is simply astounding. Also, despite all the special effects the movie boasts of, the larger-than-life landscapes, the seemingly unreal premise of the story in today's context - the movie manages to harbour a lot of simplicity, thus making it all the more beautiful. Its a simple tale of friendship, love and honour and the fact that all the special effects and other "distractions" do not take that away from the movie is an evidence of the film-making prowess of the director and his entire crew. Also , the actors in the movie are outstanding. Everybody has done a phenomenal job but my personal favourites are Sam, Aragorn and Gandalf. Sam's friendship ( which is bordering on devotion) with Frodo is highly touching and the last 30 minutes of the Return of the King always manage to move me to tears. Aragorn is honour and chivalry personified - a resplendent figure on the battlefield with wild, flowing locks of hair, armed with nothing more than a sword and hope in his heart ( and of course , he looks HOT) - he evokes emotions in me which are of too complex a nature as to be specified in words. And then , Gandalf the Grey - the beacon of all things good - never once does his age manage to overpower his zest for saving the world. LOTR truly is a phenomenon and will never cease to be - it really is the epic of our lifetime.


Mallika said...

really man you have taken one of my best articles...boohoo..Ok I forgive you because of your writing prowess( as I enjoy reading it in your style more than mine). and remember.....Aragorn is joint property..

nikhita said...

Aragorn is joint property...somehow I don't particularly recall that part :P